World Affairs Council - ANNUAL Membership

About World Affairs Council - ANNUAL Membership

Experience the grand diversity of cultures and ideas the world has to offer by becoming a Member.

Choose "Recurring Yearly" and your membership will be automatically renewed so there are no interruptions in your benefits.

Backpacker - $30
World Traveler - $120
Global Leader - $250
Ambassador Circle - $1000

To compare membership levels, visit

These benefits apply to all levels of paid membership

* Season Pass to WAC Speaker Series (up to $630 Value)
* Member-Exclusive Culinary Journeys & Bourbon & Books Club
* Access to all available recorded programs
* Bi-Weekly Members-Only email with advance notification of upcoming council programs and special opportunities.
* Complimentary subscription to DailyChatter ($28 value)
* Discounts on other publications, including Foreign Policy, The Economist, The New Yorker, Stratford Worldview, and others